Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Funny Kids Show: Pretend play with Superhero toys

Welcome to our funny kids show! Today we will pretend play with Superhero toys for kids. Look, there are so many superheroes (Marvel superheroes, DC heroes, and Marvel's Avengers)! Are you ready to play with them? Great! Batman, Robin, Captain America, Spider-Man, and other superhero toys are already here. WOW! Paw Patrol toys for children and Robocar Poli cars are here too. Play fun kids' games and have superhero fun with us! Find more funny videos for kids in our playlists!

00.01 - Superheroes and a fire station
05.09 - Batman toys in real life
09.35 - Thanos vs Captain America and Spider-Man

Смотри новое смешное видео про супергероев Марвел! Сегодня фигурки супергероев Марвел покажут нам новые смешные истории вместе со смешным клоуном. Супергерой Капитан Америка, Бэтмен, Робин, Спайдер-мен, Железный человек и другие супергерои уже ждут нас! Давай посмотрим сборник смешных видео про супергероев Мстителей вместе!

WOW! Try not to laugh with funny clowns!

Superheroes for kids! Play with Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor and Iron Man

Try not to laugh with Babrie dolls and clowns

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Fun kids games and Funny Clown Videos can be watched on the Funny Clown Videos channel! Are you ready to have some fun? Join us and watch funny videos for children with clowns, cool toys, and cars. Subscribe to the Funny Clown Videos channel and watch new episodes every day. Try not to laugh with Clown Andrew and other clowns! Let's laugh and play together!

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