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In today’s video, I’ve brought in a Major League catcher, Ryan Lavarnway, who’s going to share with you 5 baseball catching drills to improve your footwork and throwing!
The first drill is the Exchange Drill. With this drill you’re going to start on both knees. When you catch the ball, turn your glove and reach into it to grab the baseball. From there, pull your arm to your throwing position. Make sure you practice catching and making an exchange from different locations.
The next drill is called the Shortstop Drill. This is a footwork drill where we’re going to emulate middle infielders. The biggest key to being quick is anticipation. Try to gain an extra advantage by anticipating and manipulating your body to get closer to your power throwing position while the ball is on the way.
The next drill is the High Flip or Curveball Drill. This drill does not involve throwing and taxing your arm. Throwing a runner out on a curveball is tough because you see the runner taking off, but since it’s an off speed pitch you need to wait just a click longer. This drill simulates waiting back before taking off like an airplane, not a helicopter.
One of the most fundamental throwing and footwork drills you can do as a catcher is the T-Drill. This is one of the most widely used, accepted, and productive drills you can do as a catcher. Tape off the letter “T” or draw a “T” in the dirt. The idea is to center yourself in the middle of the tee. Get into your action stance with the ball in your glove. Do your footwork like you’re throwing a runner out at second and use the “T” as a point of reference. Make sure you’re aligned with your target.