Thursday, March 28, 2019

Super Mario Bros. (NES) - Let's Play 1001 Games - Episode 101

To kick off Season 2 we play one of the most iconic games of all time!

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I'm Gaming Jay: Youtube gamer, let's player, retrogaming fan, and determined optimist... Join me in this series while I try out EVERY game in the book 1001 VIDEO GAMES YOU MUST PLAY BEFORE YOU DIE, before I die. The game review for each game will focus on the question of whether you MUST play this game before you die. But to be honest, the game review parts are just for fun, this series is more about the YouTube gamer journey. So let's play those classic retro games we grew up with, have fond memories of, or heard of but never got a chance to try! And with that said, the game review for today is...

Super Mario Bros.
Released 1985
Developer(s) Nintendo R&D4
Platform(s) NES
Genre(s) Platformer

Jay's Thoughts
Super Mario Bros. is one of the most influential and important to video games to have ever been produced. It not only helped Nintendo revive the home console market after the video game crash of '83, but Mario himself has become an icon that rivals the popularity of Mickey Mouse and is synonymous with video games. Yes, a lot has changed since the era of Super Mario Bros., but to this day, the gameplay here remains relevant, challenging, and above all else, fun!

To describe this game feels a bit redundant, since it's hard to fathom anyone out there not knowing who or what Super Mario Bros. is. But just for argument's sake, let's imagine you know nothing about Mario. Here's a quick rundown. In Super Mario Bros. you take on the role of Mario or his brother Luigi. The gameplay is relatively simple. You run to the right, you jump on enemies to kill them, and you hit blocks from below to collect coins and power ups. There are various obstacles you'll need to jump over as you play, like pipes and pits. Largely, Mario is a game about running and jumping. And therein lies the fun. Thirty years after its release and there's still something satisfying about running through a level, expertly leaping large gaps, diving past enemies and over others. It's hard to describe if you've never played it before, but getting good at Mario is extremely satisfying.

Super Mario Bros. spawned a genre. And over the years there have been innumerable copycats and interpretations. Some good, some not so good. Super Mario Bros. itself has spawned dozens of sequels. Most good. And these days, you can fulfill a childhood dream of mine and literally create your own levels in Mario in Super Mario Maker. I suppose that Super Mario Maker was so wildly successful is yet more proof of the timelessness of Mario Bros. But no matter what Mario games or clones come in the future, there really is something about the original game that will always stand the test of time. Super Mario Bros. is one of THE games that everyone needs to try, at some point, before they die.

➙ Must You Play It?
Super Mario Bros. is a truly amazing game that, to this day, is still loads of fun and a great challenge. That fact that it has been ported and remade so many times is a testament to how timeless this game really is. Yes games have come a long way since the days of Super Mario Bros., but this is a game that every true gamer needs to try at least once in their life.

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