Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Football Skills & Tricks 2015/2016 |HD

Crazy Football Dribbling Skills ,Tricks 2016 } Part 2
Songs :
- Aero Chord - Surface [Monstercat Release]
- Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart [NCS Release]
❌ FMS Facebook Page

➡ FMS Challenge ✴ [Begin Mars 28 - Deadline April 1]✴
" If You're editor this is your chance to shine Submit your football video, weekly, we'll pick the best video to upload, The Judges of this contest are : Javier Nathaniel , TeoCri & FMS.
⭕ General rules : The video must be about football. [1080p or better]
⭕ Bundesliga clips not allowed. ( because they strike/block all all videos that contains their contents)
⭕ Soundtrack must be Uncopyrighted

✴ The best Video will be uploaded on ( FMS, JN, or TeoCri)
Upload your video and send the link , so we can watch and evaluate it, for more info or submission please send your link to : ➡ claudiomasterevolution@gmail.com
Note: You must submit your video until every Saturday, so we have time to Pick the best one(s) and upload it on the weekend.
- You can only submit 1 videoweek. | Before submission Make sure your video isn't copyrighted
- Soon I will provide an intro that all participants should include in the video.
KEEP IN MIND that there is only one winner per week, if you don't win this time try next week. ( this is the best way we found to support great football editors that aren't recognized for their amazing work!
➡You can submit your video until this friday, (Deadline April 1) GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! - FMS

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