Friday, March 15, 2019

Apex Legends WTF & Funny Moments #33

Episode #33 of our Apex Legends WTF & funny moments series. ➡ Got a clip? Submit it here to be featured:

  • Baseball Infield Drills Improve leg strength and body control while throwing the baseball to first base. Kbands help baseball players keep full range of motion while developing hip and glute strength. Click the link above and learn how to use this drill to improve your fielding skills. Place two cones about a yard apart and start behind the furthest cone. Watch the video for a visual reference. The baseball
  • Alissa Stewart - 2016 Soccer Highlights Alissa Stewart (Burlington Bayhawks U16 OPDL)
  • The ALL-AMAZON BASICS Gaming Battlestation! Visit and use offer code LTT for 10% off Check out ORIGIN PC’s Gaming Desktops and Laptops, utilizing Samsung's 970 PRO NVMe SSDs at We got every PC related item from AmazonBasics and made an absurd “battle station” desktop gaming setup. Buy AmazonBasics products on Amazon: Monitor Stand: Headset: USB Hub: Xbox Controller: Keyboard: Gaming Mouse: Mouse: Mouse Pad: Sound Bar:
  • Mars Soccer Highlights 2018 Mars Soccer Highlights of the 2018 season. Special thanks to Sir Dave Knauff for filming.
  • Gaming the Future of Museums lecture clip In December 2008, the American Alliance of Museum's Center for the Future of Museums (CFM) hosted a lecture by Dr. Jane McGonigal, researcher and games designer with the Institute for the Future, titled "Gaming the Future of Museums" at the Newseum's Knight Conference Center in Washington, D.C. Games are popular and pervasive in American society, capturing market share and attention at an