Monday, January 21, 2019

Tuesday's high school soccer highlights

Highlights from Westbrook vs. Cheverus boys, Scarborough-Gorham boys, Portland-Thornton Academy boys, Scarborough-Gorham girls and Cape Elizabeth girls Subscribe to WMTW on YouTube now for more:

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  • 7 tips to DOMINATE your BASEBALL TRYOUT! *Instantly Increase Your Pitching Velocity* In this video I give you 7 tips to dominate your baseball tryout! Many of you have baseball tryouts coming up for your spring season so I thought this would be the perfect video to help you dominate and make your desired team. The 7 tips to dominate your baseball tryout are: 1) 0:12 Be prepared 2) 0:44 Eat right 3) 1:26 Show up early 4) 1
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