Tuesday, December 4, 2018

TOP 100 FUNNIEST GTA 5 FAILS EVER! (Funny Moments Grand Theft Auto V Compilation)

GTA 5 Funny Moments & Fails Gameplay! Grand Theft Auto V Best Funniest Fails Compilation
Submit your GTA V Clips here!:

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▼YouTube won't allow me to credit everyone due to there being so many clips! If you really want your channel in the description please tweet at me :)
If you wish to see a player's channel please visit the episode the clip was from and see the description!

★ Please note: Prestige Clips has permission to feature the clips you see. Extra edits by Prestige Clips. If you steal any clips there will be consequences from the original owners or myself. Thanks to everyone who submits their clips to make these videos possible! :) Prestige Clips thumbnails are also protected by copyright and stealing them will result in copyright strikes.

Thanks for watching!
-Marcus, Prestige Clips