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From the developer, Notch, comes a game like no other (unless you count Lego, Lincoln Logs, Mega Bloks, K'NEX, Erector Sets, or playing outside) - Minecraft.
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Trailers that tell you the TRUTH about your favorite Video Games: Honest Game Trailers. These are the hilarious trailers the game developers don't want you to see...
Honest Game Trailers: Minecraft
Executive Producers: Andy Signore and Smosh
Directed by Spencer Gilbert
Edited by Spencer Agnew
Voiceover Narration by Jon:
Special Thanks For their Awesome Creations:
Millenium Falcon - birchbeater
Battlestar Galactica - flipoffacliff
Mines of Moria - ebglminecraft
King's Landing - westeroscraft
Mina's Tirith - fishyyy
Space Shuttle - Magib1
Shanghai - AmarettoJoe
16 Bit Computer - theinternetftw
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