Monday, December 31, 2018

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 1

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The Angry Video Game Nerd (Episode 1)
Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest

In this debut from the character we now all know as The Angry Video Game Nerd, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest is The Nerd's first video game victim. Released on the Nintendo Entertainment System just a year after the first in the series, it should have been equally as acclaimed. Though as it's the focus of an AVGN video, there are of course numerous shortcomings which prevent Simon's Quest from hitting the same highs as the original Castlevania.
With horrendous day to night transitions, having to throw holy water everywhere you go, and possibly the easiest boss in video game history; Simon's Quest was the perfect place for The Nerd to start dissecting the crappiest games known to man.
Although The Nerd may have a lot to rant about when it comes to Simon's Quest, the Castlevania series as a whole (Particularly Castlevania IV on the Super Nintendo) do hold a special place in his heart. And as a four part Halloween special in 2010, The Nerd revisits Simon's Quest, along with numerous other titles in the series.

Watch all four parts here:

Episode notes by Mike:
This review of Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest was a video James made right after he got out of college in 2004. It was something to do for fun since James had just competed working on The Jersey Odyssey's: Legend of the Blue Hole, his senior film. He showed this around to a few friends (including myself) who he thought might enjoy it, and that was that. It was a one shot video never intended to be a series. The first few videos were originally just called "Bad NES games". Then it was changed to "Angry Nintendo Nerd" and finally "Angry Video Game Nerd".

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