How you will coach a team depends on the type of basketball system you're working on. Learn how to coach basketball systems with help from a basketball coach in this free video clip.
Expert: Shaun Curtis
Bio: Shaun Curtis played high school basketball at Copper Hills High School and then went on to play at Utah Valley University.
Filmmaker: Michael Burton
Series Description: Whether you're a player or a coach, there are still a number of different things you can learn to improve your game in basketball. Learn about basketball with help from a basketball coach in this free video series.
Bio: Shaun Curtis played high school basketball at Copper Hills High School and then went on to play at Utah Valley University.
Filmmaker: Michael Burton
Series Description: Whether you're a player or a coach, there are still a number of different things you can learn to improve your game in basketball. Learn about basketball with help from a basketball coach in this free video series.