Saturday, March 9, 2019

Pancake Day medieval football match turns violent as player's 'ear RIPPED off'

A Pancake Day football tradition dating back hundreds of years turned violent as a player's ear was reportedly ripped off.  A mass brawl broke out and punches were thrown during the annual fixture in Atherstone, Warwickshire, which dates back to Medieval times.  Disturbing pictures from the historic event show players trying to gain possession of a blood smeared ball while others show competitors grappling with each other in the heat of the battle.  Images from the start of the game show men climbing over each other to get in the best position.  It was reportedly claimed by two witnesses that someone's ear was ripped off, however, this so far remains uncofirmed. Read More Girl, 14, whose body was found in family's yard 'kept nude in dog cage and abused'  The tradition takes place on Pancake Day to honour an historic match between Leicestershire and Warwickshire in 1199.  The game sees players try to gain possession of the ball with the competitor that holds it at 5pm being declared the winner. Read More Horror after flying bowling ball crushes mum's finger leaving the bone exposed  This year's game was started by former Aston Villa manager Brian Little, who hurled the large ball from the upstairs window of a bank.  But the match was so intense that the ball broke, leading it to it being eventually replaced by a spare.  The champion of the 820th Atherstone Ball Game was Jonathan Slesser, who has won four times before.  Children also have a chance to enter a game to win a  a golden penny to scoop themselves £10. Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

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