Thursday, March 21, 2019



  • Game Theory: What is MatPat HIDING? Memberships Survey ► The Hidden HORRORS Behind Petscop ►► The Secret Life of Markiplier ►► SUBSCRIBE for More Theories! ► Over the summer I launched an ARG mystery for the Theorist community to solve. It required people to work with each other to piece together the clues hidden in our back to school merch launch. Today I am going to show you how it all was put together because this was
  • Football: Qatar fans react in Doha after Asian Cup triumph Doha exploded in noisy celebration as jubilant Qataris flooded the streets after the national football team's maiden Asian Cup triumph, over Japan.
  • Emily Alvarado highlights (Portera Seleccion Mexicana y TCU Soccer EUA CRÉDITOS Música Proporcionada por: BreakingCopyright - Música Sin Copyright Suscribete y apoya al Fútbol Femenil Sigueme en Instagram Sigueme en Twitter
  • European Universities Games Coimbra 2018 European Universities Games (EUG) Coimbra 2018 will occur from July 15th to the 28th and it will be the centre stage of the European Universities sports. This will be EUG’s 4th edition. More than 4000 athletes from 40 countries and 350 universities, competing in 13 different sports, in the historic University City of Coimbra, in Portugal, in an event that will have more than 1000 volunteers.
  • Nerd Plays Basketball In The HOOD ! NEW VIDEO TOMORROW 102% GET MY NEW MERCH HERE ▻ Instagram: ▻ My Nerd Friend: ...