Sunday, March 10, 2019

̶B̶a̶d̶ Good Game Design - Clicker Games (Idle Games, Incremental Games)

Snoman Gaming recently made a video talking about how Clicker Games are "Bad Game Design". I disagree, and I take it upon myself to deconstruct his video and arguments. As a content creator who has created videos for this genre in the past, I felt it was my SWORN DUTY to defend against these travesties.

I'm not trying to stir up drama, so please be respectful in your arguments to me or Snoman.

Watch Snoman's video here:

Check out the Incremental Games subreddit:

Scroll down for links to the games!

Join the community on Discord! ►
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Links to games mentioned at the end of the video:

Mine Defense ►
Realm Grinder ►
Kittens Game ►
A Dark Room ►
Spaceplan ►
Wizard and Minion Idle ►
Pixels Filling Squares 3.0 ►
Idle Wizard ►
NGU Idle ►
Trimps ►
Universal Paperclips ►
Antimatter Dimensions ►

Links to games in the video, but not mentioned:

Candy Box ►
Candy Box 2 ►
Galaxia ►
Fragment Hunters ►
Clicker Heroes ►
Cookie Clicker ►

Leave a comment if I forgot one and I'll try my best to add it!



Apex Legends footage:

Oxygen Not Included footage:

Dead Space 3 footage:


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