Wednesday, March 6, 2019

All The Mountain Kills ( Game of Thrones, Gregor Clegane Kills )

In The Mountain Kills, we show as the kills of Gregor Clegane. The Mountain's kill span is from season 1 to season 7. A lot of the Mountains kills are off screen so I put some scenes where they mention it. I also left a teaser for a possible Mountain kill at the end. CLEGANE BOWL 2019

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The deceased in order of appearance Ser Hugh of the Vale, the Mountain's horse after he lost the joust to Loras Tyrell, raiding in the Riverlands, torturing at Harrenhal, hanging at Harrenhal, the massacre at Harrenhal, prisoners at Kings Landing, Oberyn Martell during a Trial by Combat, peasant from Kings Landing, Faith Militant, and Septa Unella

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