Vanderbilt University strength and conditioning coach John Sisk teaches the rice bucket training exercise for high school and college (NCAA) athletes. ?I like the Rice Bucket its because it built strength in the you know we do it before ball and baseball both and then you know we just put rice in there so it?s a great, it?s a great thing for kids of all ages, especially if your having reading at home. We put it in a big Gatorade bucket but you can just put it in a bowl at home and you just work your hands and watch your grip and rice works better than saying at the same kids placement makes you think that __getting some rice a lot not that bad and it?s a lot easier and a lot cheaper and you got to get your mom just got some rice. You just stick your hands in there and work on it. And if you are sitting there watching TV, you worked in, just working your hands and it grips strength as easy as when the athletics and love it, it?s a hand strength and sometimes over the look for looks. And just to know how strong your hands are, and how quick your hands are, on how as a pitcher the pressure points on the ball dictates how you can get to certain bases. So working your fingers, working your hands, working your grip, is all good in holding it in the rice. And we do a lot of teenage figure and in teenage way, __to get to work to get you into the bottom of the bucket and just keep walking down and grabbing and to get at the bottom of the bucket. Some guys do a little bit more than that but we try to do teenage finger especially if you?re working pressure and putting pressure into the bowl. And then working will get your finger strong and then also the teen short ones to want more pinch grip and working to let it grab like if you are having a grip to a baseball bat.?