Dwayne Johnson redefines the athletic competition, giving exceptional men and women from all walks of life the chance to test their physical strength and mental fortitude for the chance to battle on Mount Olympus in hopes of becoming a Titan.
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Inspired by Johnson's desire to motivate global audiences to reach their potential for greatness, this unparalleled new athletic competition gives everyday men and women across the country the opportunity to step inside the Titan arena and achieve the impossible.
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Competitors will push their bodies to the limit by battling opponents in innovative and unforgiving head-to-head challenges designed by Johnson. Winners will advance to the ultimate challenge of Mount Olympus, the consummate athletic test of speed, strength, agility and endurance. In each episode, the male and female competitors who conquer Mount Olympus will become Titans. "The Titan Games" will not only test the competitors' physical strength, but also their mental and emotional fortitude. In the end, the Titans will return to battle against one another, with one man and one woman emerging as Titan Champions and each winning a grand prize of $100,000.
Full Episode: Let The Titan Games Begin: Trials 1
Titan Games