Best of Bushman Scare Prank 2019 - Here is a 13 minute funny video including my favorite prank scares. It combines the best scares of 5 or so videos into one amazing video. I also added some extra slow motion and other effects. I hope you enjoy it.
RRyanLewis Videos started out with humble beginnings in San Francisco, California in 2011. At first it was a small collaboration between a few friends to make funny videos out of sheer boredom. We had no illusions of becoming famous, but rather just wanted to make our friends and family laugh. We started out with train horn pranks scaring the locals around San Fran. We made a few travel videos and sarcastic tutorials, as well as a few other random funny pranks such as bad pick up lines out on the Pier. Then we tried out wearing a ghillie suit and hiding in the Golden Gate Park for some scare prank videos. And they were a hit! Everybody loved them so much (all 15 followers, ha!), we upgraded the suit, got more accessories, and started hitting the park every weekend or after work. We quickly found that while the park videos were great, people actually were scared much more when we planted ourselves somewhere supposedly super obvious, like in a planter in the middle of an urban sidewalk. Apparently people expect a tree to pop out at you in the woods…but not in the street!
#bushman #funnyprank #trending
PO BOX 1257
Winston OR 97496
Donate to help me Scare people
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Ghillie Suit
Fake Ivy
Nikkon D3300
Wireless Microphone
Train Horn Kit
4k Monitor
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Have a funny video?? Can you do something amazing? Submit it!
About RRyanlewis:
This channel is all about enjoying life and making people laugh. We do this for our own enjoyment and the laughs of other people. We are partnered with the network, Bent Pixels.
We created this channel back in 2011 just for our own enjoyment. Never thought we would get over 100 subscribers and we are in such AWE that we hit 40,000 Subscribers!! WoW
We never expected to get any subscribers but wanted to show our friends the videos we made.
Thanks for watching everyone! It's so awesome to have got this far! You all are amazing!!
If you are interested in joining a great network like Bent Pixels Please Let me know! @
Music on this video was created by:
Epidemic Sound