Thursday, December 27, 2018
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How do you make good games? Huge question, but let's try to break it down! Get the The Complete C# Masterclass for only $9,99! ● This video is loosely based on this awesome article: ● Paper on structural composition: ● Join Discord: Thumbnail is based on this amazing image by paddymazz: ♥ Support Brackeys on Patreon: ························································
FOR ENGLISH SUBTITLES - PRESS THE CC-BUTTON IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER ! Johan Golden og Henrik Elvestad tester hvordan elektriske støt påvirker en fotballkamp. Kampen står mellom TV2s og Viasats ekspertkommentatorer. TV2s lag består av Morten Bakke, Claus Lundekvam, Petter Myhre, Mini Jakobsen og Lars Bohinen. Viasats lag består av Thomas Myhre, Jan Åge Fjørtoft, Tina Wulf, Vidar Davidsen
Take his lesson and be a superstar of your playground!!! :)
Dog Baseball, by William Wegman.
Club: De Anza Force 03 School: Monte Vista High School GPA: 4.00 Grad Year: 2021 Positions: Outside Back, Center Back, Outside Midfielder Email: