Friday, December 28, 2018


FORTNITE FUNNY MOMENTS & FAILS! FORTNITE RAGE COMPILATION #2 Fortnite wtf moments fortnite epic fails and wins. King jay epic fails on fortnite super funny fortnite rage and fails compilation. Hope you guys enjoy. Question do i rage like ninja in fortnite or myth in fornite ?

My social media @king_jay0069 Snap, IG, & Twitter

Plese Follow my Twitch

I stream daily and if im not streaming ill be dropping a video for you guys thanks for all the love and support road to 3000 SUBS!

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op Fortnite Players
ninja, tsm_myth, grimmmz, summit1g, cdnthe3rd, highdistortion, dakotaz, drlupo, kingrichard, tsm_hamlinz, lirik, tsm_daequan, Avxry, Typical Gamer, AlmightySneaky, Bewitching, AlexRamiGaming, Fortnite, Vikkstar123, Upshall, noahj456, adrive, carnifexed, darkness429, oficialheitorgames, izakooo, lolitofdez, iijeriichoii, squeezielive, jasonr, kinggothalion, hutch, wishyouluckk, Zedryn, real_aragon, chicalive, thebouncyfatkid, grandpanippers, alanzoka, hysteria, xaryulol, opsct, enviosity, sarahdope, sypherpk, scoksc2, cheefin_tv, jemalki, skyrroztv, stormen, m3p0, starke2k, duendepablo, barcode_ow, lestream, cheatbanned, gamesager, theonemanny, b3arodactyl, hedrymas, timthetatman, psicadelix, jaketherazvy, theghostlydragon, spacelyon, cloakzy, sandyravage, cizzorz, terroriser, leopard, wadu, havokgaming_tv, kenjutsu228, parallaxg, deviil_d, valkyrae, avajaijai, mooncloud3, mastirias, aimbotcalvin, teosgame, requiemslaps, jonjonuzumaki, valstirk, jeremyworst, swaggerleetv, joewatermelon, iclickbuttons, yzeco, weirdjack, gernaderjake, imdavegaming, realjameskii, tsm_camills, shroud, chefstrobel, tfue

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