Sunday, December 2, 2018

Don't “Squash The Bug” - (DO THIS INSTEAD!) - Baseball Hitting Tips

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In today’s video, we’re going to be talking about squashing the bug. This is a verbal cue that a lot of hitters have been taught over the years, but it’s not what elite hitters actually do. In fact, it causes much more harm than good in your swing. I’ll show you why I don’t like hitters to “squash the bug” and I’ll show you what I recommend doing instead.

So squashing the bug has been around for a long time. It’s a term that is used by coaches who think the swing is initiated by pivoting your back foot or squashing the bug. They used this term to promote rotating your hips in the swing, but your hips don’t rotate by artificially turning your back foot. This is not what actually happens in the swing. This is absolutely killing your bat speed and power. Squashing the bug also leaves players with the majority of their weight on their back side.

The way it should work is this.

Once a hitter gets to a solid launch position (after his load and when his front foot strikes the ground) the swing is actually initiated by the hips beginning to rotate as the front heel begins dropping.

As the front heel drops, the hitters back side will begin rotating naturally. Your heel drop and backside should work together simultaneously. Your weight should be on the inside of your big toe. As your front heel drops, your back heel will naturally begin to come off the ground. Then a hitters knees will eventually pinch together as they get to the contact point.

A great hitting drill to do is what I like to call “Ballistic Backside.” Put a cone or other object right behind your back foot for immediate feedback and to make sure you’re not squashing the bug.



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