3 Reasons Your Shot is Broke: Basketball Shooting Tips
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In today's video I give you 3 Pro level tips to optimize your shooting form!
These are the types of changes that can help your go from being an average shooter to a lights out shooter with some minor tweaks. Watch this video and see if you can implement these tips into your game TODAY!
Don't forget to pick up your free copy of my FREE 7-Day Shooting Challenge. This workout will increase your shooting super fast and it will help you get your jumper GAME ready. You can pick it up today at the link below!
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To find more videos like this search:
"Basketball Shooting Form" "How to Shoot a Basketball" "Basketball Shooting Drills" "Perfect Basketball Shooting Form" "Shooting For Beginners" "Basketball Shooting Tips"
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To find more videos like this search:
"Basketball Shooting Form" "How to Shoot a Basketball" "Basketball Shooting Drills" "Perfect Basketball Shooting Form" "Shooting For Beginners" "Basketball Shooting Tips"