Monday, November 19, 2018

Top 10 Creepiest Easter Eggs In Video Games

Top 10 Creepiest Easter Eggs In Video Games
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Hunting for Easter Eggs is always fun… right? Today, let's count down our picks for the Top 10 Creepiest Easter Eggs in Video Games. For this list, we’re looking at hidden jokes, hidden areas, and other secrets from video games that kind of freaked us out. We love a good Easter Egg as much as the next YouTube channel, but these ones just give us the heebie-jeebies.

Check out these other great videos:
Top 10 Worst Final Bosses In Great Games -
Top 10 Most Well Hidden Video Game Easter Eggs Ever -
Top 10 Easter Eggs in Avengers: Infinity War -

List Entries and Rank:

10) The Statue of Happiness - “Grand Theft Auto IV"
9) The Witch - “Payday: The Heist”
8) Haunted Hitman - “Hitman: Contracts"
7) Jeane’s Past - “No More Heroes”
6) Secret Message in Music - “Celeste"
5) Hanging Luigi - “Luigi’s Mansion”
4) Jolene’s Ghost - “Grand Theft Auto V”
3, 2 & 1: ?

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