Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Super Mario Galaxy - 95+ Games

Super Mario Galaxy had a lot to live up to. It was the next 3D Mario game after 2 critically acclaimed hits, Super Mario 64, and Super Mario Sunshine. In addition to that, it was the first main series Mario game on the Wii. Not only did Mario Galaxy live up to those expectation, it surpassed them.

In this video we talk about why Super Mario Galaxy is such a great game, and why it got a 95+ score on Metacritic.
Remember to checkout our other 95+ Games videos
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain:
Portal 2:
Madden 2003:
Remember to checkout our upcoming 95+ Games about Mario games. Such as Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Super Mario Odyssey if it gets a 95, or better.
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