Hearthstone Best of Value - Funny and Lucky Top Moments
Hearthstone Daily WTF Moments 2018
Hearthstone Funny Moments of Value - HS Highlights
Best of Hearthstone Plays of Infinite Value
You can send your hearthstone moments here:
Amiss In Wonderland 1 - Martin Landstrom
All Over Again - Johnny Berglund
Soft Detonation - Teddy Bergström
The Latest - Anders Mörlin
Outro song:
Epidemic Sound:
Content: hearthstone wtf moments, hearthstone moments, best of hearthstone, hearthstone, hearthstone best moments, hearthstone best of, hearthstone daily moments, rng moments, hearthstone funny moments, moments, hearthstone funny, hearthstone fail, trolden, hearthstone lucky, kripparrian, hearthstone epic, wtf moments, The Witchwood, The Witchwood cards, Monster Hunt, Toki, top, deck, funny, trump, amaz, hearthstone epic plays, hearthstone wtf, top, lucky, disguised toast, plays, daily.
I hope to enjoy!!
Video game: Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft, Blizzard entertainment
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0: